Artist-in-Residence Program
North Woods and Waters is excited to announce the launch of NWW’s first Artist-in-Residence project. Starting in late May 2024, NWW will be partnering with St. Croix Valley-based writer and poet, Laurie Allmann, to engage youth and adults in writing mentorships, poetry readings, storytelling, and the creation of new works throughout the northwest region of the St. Croix River watershed.
The project aims to increase access to written and spoken forms of art focusing on the themes of culture, history, and place. Free public programs, events, and mentorships will help to foster a greater sense of regional identity and community while offering skill-building opportunities with a local artist. Ultimately, this project will also serve as a launching point in developing a template that will continue to support St. Croix regional artists for years to come.
Writer-in-Residence for 2024-2025:
Laurie Allmann
Artist Statement:
I am a poet and creative nonfiction writer who expresses stories through print, multi-media and spoken word performance. My work is grounded in the natural world and driven by curiosity. I see value in the role of the animateur: n. (from the French), “One who animates, enlivens, brings to life; in practice, one who seeks to artfully convey a complex or technical idea in such a manner as to capture the imagination of an audience, using creative or unorthodox methods to illuminate specialized fields of knowledge.” Personally and professionally, I draw inspiration from scientists engaged in environmental research and the windows they offer into understanding the complex patterns behind the wonders that surround us.

Writer-in-Residence Appearances & Events
This list is updated as programs are scheduled throughout the residency period and more details become available.
Upcoming Events:
- Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5-7 p.m. Princeton Area Library, Princeton, MN.
- “Defining Home” Writing Workshop
Reservations and more information here! - Saturday, Feb. 22, 5-8 p.m., Presenter, “Telling Wild Tales,” Osprey Wilds Dinner at the Lake Series, Sandstone, MN
More information here! - Tuesday, March 4, 4-5:30 p.m., Mora Public Library, Mora, MN. “From Page to Stage” Writing for Spoken Word Performance. Youth, ages 12-17
- Monday, April 7, 5:30-7, Pine City Public Library, Pine City, MN. “Defining Home” Writing Workshop
- Tuesday, April 22, Rush City Public Library, Rush City, MN. “Near Nature,” A bird’s eye view of wildlife and wild places to discover in Chisago County. All ages.
- Saturday, April 26, Guest speaker, EarthFest, Wild River State Park, Center City, MN
- Thursday, May 15, 6:30-8 p.m., Sandstone Public Library, Author reading with special local guest writers
Completed Events:
- August 3, 2024: “Writing from Watersheds,” Irving and John Anderson County Park, North Branch, in partnership with North Branch and Cambridge Libraries. Interactive program for families and youth ages 8+, younger ok with parent.
- September 17, 2024: Author reading, Cambridge Public Library
- October 13, 2024: Reading with writers Laurie Allmann & special guest Marcia Bjornerud, Franconia Sculpture Park
- November 14, 2024: Poetry & Music from the Watershed, Chisago Lakes Area Library, with violinist Donovan Stertz
- December 14, 2024: “Defining Home” writing workshop, Cambridge Public Library
- January 21, 2025 7 p.m.: “Live! with North Woods and Waters” Now at the midpoint of her year-long NWW writers’ residency, Laurie will be sharing new poetry, stories and perspectives from her explorations of the watershed.
Writing from Here:
Youth Writing Mentorships Offered

What is a sense of place? Would you like to try your hand at writing poetry or stories that tap into nature, culture and history here in the watershed of the St. Croix River? “Place-based” writing is a wonderful way to spark ideas and express your voice.
Let’s do it!
If you have dreams of being a writer—or just love to play with words—here’s your chance to get some friendly feedback and encouragement from an established writer. Meet-ups will be in person at your local public library for informal one-on-one sessions with author/poet Laurie Allmann. Each session will last approximately one hour, and individuals may sign up for ongoing sessions as space allows. This program will run through May, 2025.
Laurie Allmann is an Artist in Residence with the nonprofit North Woods & Waters of the St. Croix Heritage Area. She received a Minnesota Book Award for her creative nonfiction book, Far from Tame: Reflections from the Heart of a Continent (University of Minnesota Press) and a Gold Medal from the Midwest Independent Publisher’s Association for her recent book of poetry, An Hour from Now (Nodin Press). She has been a naturalist and youth educator, a course instructor for The Loft Literary Center, and is a founding co-editor of Agate magazine. She has a special interest in place-based writing that is informed and inspired by the natural world.
Who may participate:
Open to youth entering middle school (Grade 6) through senior high who live in the St. Croix Watershed counties of Chisago, Pine, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Isanti in Minnesota.
How to sign up:
Send an email to lallmann@northwoodsandwaters.org. Laurie will follow up with you to set a time, day, and public library branch that works for you!
Writing from Here is a project of North Woods and Waters of the St. Croix Heritage Area (NWW), in partnership with the East Central Regional Library system. This project is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

This project is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.